Freelance Musicians' Association

FMA Introduction

  • The FMA (Freelance Musicians' Association) was established in 1998 as an international grass roots organization comprised of instrumentalists, vocalists, musical support staff and supporters of live music. It is dedicated to furthering the respective interests of its members and to providing specific services required by musicians who perform primarily in small concert venues, nite clubs, community halls, and at a wide variety of public and/or private events.

  • The FMA fully supports the Object of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) and is determined to work closely with the Federation in helping to find solutions to the many unique problems faced by our members. We will work toward the goal of being granted Player Conference status by the AFM.

  • There are currently five organizations that enjoy Player Conference status within the AFM:

    - ICSOM (The International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians)
    - OCSM / OMOSC (The Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians)
    - RMA (The Recording Musicians Association)
    - ROPA (The Regional Orchestra Players Association)
    - TMA (The Theater Musicians Association)

  • Each represents the interests of musicians engaged in a specific area of the music business that requires specific services and programs that address their rightful needs. Each has benefited from employment that is covered by, and subject to, collective bargaining agreements negotiated on their behalf by the AFM.

  • The vast majority of current AFM members do not enjoy the benefits and protections offered by collective bargaining agreements. They choose to work in venues and areas of live performance such as Rock, Top-40, Contemporary, Jazz, Blues, and Country. These areas of work present their own very specific challenges. Working conditions and benefits are often less than desirable. A musician's talents are often subject to exploitation by some within the industry. The FMA will strive to be a positive collective voice for these musicians within the AFM.

© 1998 - 2005 Freelance Musicians' Association. All Rights Reserved.