Freelance Musicians' Association

Definition of Player Conference


Conferences composed of representatives from the Locals in one or more states or provinces (Locals’ Conferences), and conferences composed of representatives from Symphonic Orchestras or of member-musicians in other specialized fields (Players’ Conferences), may be organized and granted official status in the AFM by the IEB.

Conferences shall be permitted to submit Resolutions to the AFM Convention. In addition, each Player Conference shall be allowed to send three nonvoting Delegates to the Convention who shall be duly elected by their Conferences and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other Delegates except the right to nominate candidates for office, to participate in any floor debate on nominations and to vote in elections of Officers or on any matter presented to the Convention. All official meetings of Conferences shall be under the supervision of an IEB member, designated by the International President.

In the event that the International President is of the opinion that, because of unusual circumstances, it is impractical to assign an IEB member, he or she may assign an Executive Officer Emeritus, a Presidential Assistant or a State or Provincial representative.


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